We have heard this word time and again. Some people believe in it while others dont. I personally have mixed views with regards this destiny thing.
They say that destiny is fate. It is when two people are really meant for each other. It is when something is really for you like maybe a promotion or a new found job. Destiny is when the happenings in your life are defined by predetermined events.
So here comes the confusing part. People always say that you determine your life. We were created to be rational beings to make decisions in life if we must. In everything that we do be it as simple as what to wear for work, what to eat for breakfast or may it be a life changing decision that involves choosing who to spend the rest of our life with, the decision lies solely in our very own hands. Our life is like a clean canvass. We decide the colors that go into the canvass. All the good and all the bad that has happened in our lives all have resulted from the decisions that we have made in our lives.
But then other people also say that every single event that has happened in our lives has already been arranged in this so called book of life and that this book...