The role of an ebook is minimized only by a lack of imagination and perhaps poor timing.
Ebooks can be assembled and made available much more quickly than traditional publishing methods, but it is possible the shelf life for an ebook may be shorter, but there are potential pluses to the short shelf status.
For instance if the current fad is something like accessorizing with the latest fashions then you may well see significant downloads of an ebook dealing with the subject, but the ebook might have quickly diminishing value for the consumer in a shorter period of time.
With ebooks you can work to meet more immediate demands and then move along when the next big thing hits. You might even consider an ebook based on the greatest potential in whats next for consumers. By doing so you may beat others to the punch by having the subject fully covered in ebook form as the newest thing is just emerging.
These types of ebooks could be about new advancements or theories in home improvement, pet care or child rearing. You could have an ebook that deals with a preview of new automobiles that will be coming out or the latest techniques in...