Hey Contractors, Have You Looked For Workers In These Places?
If you struggle in finding and hiring good help, you are probably a non-union contractor and the suggestions contained herein could be a life saver for you.
Your struggles probably generate from three obstacles:
1. Providing full time work.
2. Getting the word out to potential candidates.
3. Can’t afford proven, skilled workers.
Lets take each one at a time and explore solutions.
1. Providing Full Time Work
Construction workers keep very close track of the hours they work. Hours are about the most important issue to them – much more so than the hourly pay. If you want to be able to bring in and retain good workers, your task will be much easier if you manage to get them close to 2,000 hours a year.
You do that by aggressively marketing and selling your services.
If you need tips on how to market and sell, read my report (10 Biggest Mistakes Contractors Make and How to Correct Them) or contact me via telephone or email. Back to our topic.
Several trades in cold weather states are going to have trouble getting their workers 2,000...