As we press forward to achieving our Hundred-Fold-Life. We tend to loose site of the prize. We all know what we are working towards. We must take time to confirm or reconfirm our true intentions.
How do we do it?
I have an exercise that I have done with my Hundred-Fold-Life Team. I have also introduced it my family and friends. Many of you have heard of it or possibly have done it yourself. That’s great if you have. Now is a good time to update it.
OK what is it?
It is referred to as an Intention Board.
It is a simple yet powerful exercise to visualize your needs, wants and intentions.
First of all you can make it a party atmosphere. Invite coworkers, employees, and or family members. If you are associated with a MLM group have them come too. This is a fun empowering exercise, so keep it fun.
Next, when you invite your guests have them bring magazines to the party. The best magazines are car, home decor, home furnishings, travel, fashion and financial magazines. Also sports magazines that you or they participate in such as golf skiing, and SCUBA publications. Also needed is scissors glue, “glue sticks work the...