Nurses as we know, assist patients and doctors in the field of health care and care giving. As the world becomes more and more exposed to crimes, the role of the nurse evolved. A new branch of nursing has grown and this is a profession, which covers medical care and judicial or legal assistance at the same time. These new breed of professionals convene in what is called a forensic nursing association.
Forensic nurses practice this newest form of forensic science where they gather evidences related to a crime that may have been committed on a patient. The forensic information they gather can be used during trials, which may also call them as professional witnesses.
Forensic nursing is primarily geared towards helping victims of violence by producing the evidences that will help solve the crime. The traditional way to investigate on a patient is to have several people approach and ask questions. These are the social workers, doctors, police, FBI agent, etc. The victim, who may still be traumatized, will only feel worst since the recaps of the crime will have to be repeated over and over again. This can be addressed by having just one person do everything from...