The franchise world encapsulates almost every kind of home based business opportunity you can think of, through property management, recruitment, grass-cutting, tyre-fitting, sandwich-making, chipped paint removal, drain cleaning etc.
Should one possess certain skills or experience necessary for any particular franchise then it may well be advisable to push towards a franchise specialising in that area.
However, in my opinion, and put very simply indeed, franchises fall broadly into two main categories — those that return a residual income and those that require a new piece of work to be carried out to gain any additional income.
This is not to say that in franchise opportunities that do return residual income that no work is required to maintain the customer base but that it is much easier to maintain, the cost is not prohibitive and continuous benefit is derived by the customer from maintaining the existing contract.
Additionally, if one of the reasons for choosing the franchise was to be working from home then this kind of defeats the purpose as all the practical work will have to be carried out away from home.
This is perhaps food...