Think of money as points that you get for creating something considered valuable by society. The more valuable the product or service you create the more points (money) you will get. You can give those points to others in order to receive something valuable from them. How are you controlling the flow of points in your life?
Now consider what value is. In anthropological terms, value is something that enhances the survival chances of the person who receives it. Human activity is directed toward procreation. Humans get an education, go to work, and mate with their significant other and raise kids that will continue the cycle. A frigerator is valued because it helps store and maintain the freshness of foods, a technology which improves a family’s survival fitness. A person will value a television or a computer because it keeps them entertained (entertainment fosters creative mental development), knowledgeable (in regards to the news and technological advances that could further enhance their survival fitness). That which does not have value is something which reduces one’s ability to survive and procreate. Thus, criminals, disease, disasters, faulty products,...