How To Make Your Pay Per Click Ads Work For You
Many people give up on trying to make pay per click ads work because they cant make them perform. It is not unusual for people to lose a lot of money trying to find keywords that dont cost a bundle.
Here are three ways to make sure that your pay per click ads bring you referrals, conversions and profits rather than a big bill from a pay per click engine.
First of all make sure that your ads contain relevant search phrases. Test them out to see if they get any hits before you put them online. What you think is a unique keyword might actually be a real dud. Also you never know when a keyword becomes so common that it brings you tons of untargeted traffic or when your competition is using the same one. Often the expense of a single keyword can tell you a lot about it.
Dont cram too many keywords into one ad. Instead build a single unique ad for each keyword phrase. Studies have shown that using one specific targeted phrase is a better idea than keyword stuffing into one ad. Also if your ad is targeted a non-paying surfer is less likely to click on your ad.
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