Emotional Intelligence plays an important role. The central place of humor in life makes it possible to use its precise emotional expression, as expressed in daily cartoons, for business training.
The progress in computers simulators enables the good businessman to simulate all his routines before he goes to the business work. He has the opportunity to concentrate on the non computerized human expressions in business. These are: customer service, work relationships, safety issues, self improvement and so on.
Any dealing with the human capital is an obligation to deal with emotions. Emotions volumes cannot be measured precisely, contrary to cognitive or physical volumes. The reason is that emotions expand all the time. It gives them their unique attribute: The human ability to be empathic.
We can measure exactly sales volume, I.Q. or weight lifting, but not the intensity of love and hate. For example: Questionnaires about satisfaction from a boss or a product give only limited answers. This leaves the business leader exposed to mistakes of emotional intelligence.
Large part of the business continuity, from the morning meetings through the motivation...