The cost of hosting services that you can find on the net varies a lot. Options like disk space, bandwidth allowance, control panel and operating system in a hosting account determines the price that you have to pay. First, to start finding a host for your site, you need to determine your requirements for your site. For the sake of the beginners, I will consider shared and dedicated hosting only.
Size, scalability and disk space
* Will your website and content grow from time to time or you just need to publish a set of content that will expire after some time?
* A corporate site with less than 20 web pages, a disk space of less than 40MB should be enough.
* If you want to start a site about a certain topic or industry, consider getting a hosting account with at least 60MB disk space for a start.
* If you intend to publish a site with a lot of pictures or mp3 for users to download or purchase, consider a 100MB disk space hosting account.
* For personal sites, consider a 30MB MB disk space hosting account.
* If you are in charge of an enterprise that needs to publish a lot of information and offer intranet system and public services,...