It comes as no surprise for us today that teenagers and even very young girls are starting to wear make-up. I cannot say exactly what the right age is when they should actually start wearing them for this is a subjective matter and the decision on allowing their young teens to wear make-up lies solely on the parent. However, in my own personal opinion I would definitely prefer for my young girls to start wearing make-up only when I feel that they are old enough for it so as to avoid for them to easily mature and develop wrinkles in their early 30s.
With the influence of the media and the abundance of beauty magazines, it is but natural for teenagers to be trying on different beauty cosmetics in the hopes of looking like the magazine models or trying to imitate their idol actresses and singers. It is during this crucial stage that they begin to experience insecurities about themselves so guidance is very much important to avoid her from walking on the wrong path.
With regards to make-up, I would strongly suggest that if she tries to put on herself that you have a talk and give her advice on how to do it and what she could possibly do. Try to go with her when she...