A blind date is when two people who are perfectly strangers to each other or who may not know that much about each other are being set up on a date by either family or friends or may both be setting it up themselves should they happen to meet online.
A blind date can be exciting as you get to meet a new person and discover things about him/her but it can also be very uneasy at the same time as you are totally clueless of the other person’s personality and what possible topics for conversation would you happen to be able to connect with. Plus, there is always the fear of having a bad date or having a good one but with your date feeling that you haven’t made a connection at all.
For any blind date, avoid making high expectations. While your friend for example may be raving all about how good looking or the great personality that your date has, you may be having too much expectations and when they are not met will get you disappointed. Good looks and judging if an individual has a great personality are totally subjective. It is best to keep an open mind.
If you are the guy on a blind date and would be making the shots, it is best to plan your...