The development of a podcast is a very personal journey. Within the confines of a podcast you can express yourself through music, storytelling or by sharing information or drama.
More and more hobbyists are exploring the world of podcasting and developing mp3 downloads for others to enjoy.
Software to develop an mp3 podcast is available in a variety of cost variables. It is possible to find a shareware program or you can pay hundreds of dollars for full editing software.
You dont even need a professional studio. Microphones are available that can be plugged into a USB port and are less expensive end easier to use than other alternatives.
In traditional broadcasting a soundboard, mixer and processor were required in a sound proofed room. Home kits are available if you want to recreate a more sound proof alternative, but in many ways audio consumers seem more forgiving as to the audio quality if they feel the audio content is worth listening to.
The truth is some of the more candid podcasts are finding a significant following. Perhaps the success of these podcasts is a direct reflection of Reality TV. The fame of unscripted ideas is a novel...