Safety First: How To Create A Safe Office Environment
While the issue of workplace safety is often associated with risky environments or those who perform manual labor tasks like heavy-lifting or factory work, providing a safe, comfortable place for office employees is just as essential. Because an office is a contained, highly-controllable environment, unlike a factory or outdoor work, most worker’s comp accidents that happen in an office could be avoided. Here are some easily correctable hazards to watch out for:
1. Trip hazards. Cables and wires are components of almost every piece of office machinery, from computers to printers to photocopiers to fax machines. Allowing cables to lie on the floor, jumbled up is only inviting trouble. Simple, inexpensive cable management systems can minimize the potential for employees to trip over these cables and damage expensive equipment or themselves. We found a variety of cable management options at, starting as low as $2 each if you buy in quantity. A small price to prevent what could be a costly worker’s comp claim.
2. Watch your eyes. Anti-glare filters for computer monitors are...