A discussion of the going high prices of having your site subjected to organic SEO and whether or not it is just as well for you to search engine optimize your site yourself.
If you have been surfing around on the Internet looking for information on SEO you have probably noticed that professional SEO experts have gone wild trying to push something called Organic Search Engine Optimization on you. These companies usually offer an all in one umbrella service to optimize your site including design, content and keyword searches. These companies, that are found on Jeeves, Google and Yahoo promise that their services can help you be found organically by people looking for your site in the search engines.
This is not really that impressive as an organic search engine result can be simply defined as a listing in a search engine that you did not have to pay for. This was the original purpose of SEO in the first place. However nowadays almost all of the search engines offer businesses the option of paying to get an ad listed whether it be through a direct purchase or through a program like Google Adwords.
Is this money well spent? First of all some studies have shown...