“I wish I had more time.” Is there anyone who has never thought that? There is no question that the pace of modern life soaks up every minute of the day and still leaves many things undone. Yet if you delve a little further, you might find that it is not all society’s fault. The lifestyle you choose can increase this dearth of time.
You work more so you have more money. When you have more money, you can:
*Become involved in more activities. You book more social activities. You help in the community by joining volunteer groups and serving on committees, all of which adds more on your calendar. More people expect more time from you.
*Improve your lifestyle. If you have a larger house, it takes more time to take care of it or more contractors to hire who can help to maintain it. Adding another car or a boat is something else to keep up, with more appointments for maintenance. It takes more insurance to protect these things, so you have to add more work hours to be sure you can continue to afford them.
*Increase your personal possessions. When you have more space to fill, you buy more items to put into those spaces. To buy these pieces,...