The most unusual franchise opportunity that I have come across specialises in cleaning mattresses! They have turned this business into an art form. The way I clean my mattresses is by taking them out on a cold day and hitting them with a hard brush. The brush dislodges all the loose material whilst the cold kills any bed bugs.
This franchise has all the specialist equipment needed including hi powered cleaners, UV radiation equipment and specialist hygiene sprays. They claim that a properly cleaned mattress will also reduce many allergies. It can also help in reducing Asthma attacks by removing dust & tiny skin particles from the mattress and thereby reducing the amount of dust in the air. If you are scared of bed bugs or creepy crawlies then this franchise opportunity is not right for you!
Another franchise that I found unusual was a window cleaning franchise – why would any one buy this type of franchise? Surely all you need is a van, a decent ladder, some cleaning material and you are ready? Not all window cleaners are the same
This window cleaning franchise I looked at can also clear your gutters, decks and fences, roofs, patios and a whole...