Ways For Teens To Make Money-some Great Tips To Help You Profit From The Internet
So what are some of the best ways for teens to make money? There are many different ways to do this: you can simply go out and get a job and get paid $10 an hour, or you can start working from home. The vast majority of teens will just get a job to start getting some quick cash, and therefore will never learn entrepreneurial skills.
Unfortunately, this can get them into the bad habit of keeping a job the rest of their life. Having a job will never give you financial freedom , because it will never provide you a long-term income stream.
Simply, the minute you stop working your job, the money stops coming in. You can never sell your job to anybody else, because there is no equity involved with it. However, when you build a business, there is equity that gets built up you can then sell it for quite a bit of money.
Today, the vast majority of teens just go out and get a job, never even consider starting a business. This isn’t their fault. Quick simply, the school systems do a very bad job of teaching kids entrepreneurial skills, and instead only teach them job...