Summary: Search engines dont give higher rankings for a pretty site, but they do pay attention to what you say and how you say it make that your priority and the rest will fall into place.
Theres an old saying, People vote with their pocketbook. Id like to suggest they also vote with their apathy.
Current popularity choices are in a constant state of flux. There are times when site visitors seem to respond to flash technology while other times the simple site of flash will cause them to use their back button. They just dont have the enthusiasm they need to venture through yet another animated flash design.
Sometimes visitors enjoy a stripped down site that is easy to navigate with limited bells and whistles while other times it appears sites with surprises and a graphic intense format captures attention.
The problem is knowing which format is popular at any given time. Sometimes your site design should operate independent of what seems to be gaining the most immediate attention.
I had been told about a site that had information I was interested in. I went to the site was met with a broad range of bells and whistles. I had no idea which...