Web hosting knowledge, contrary to the popular belief, is very easy to acquire and understand. As a beginner , before I started reading up on the subject, I was positive that I had to do some kind of a diploma or a degree course in this area to understand and finally be able to have my own website hosted. But I was totally wrong, with guidance of only documents like this and a lot of research I hosted my website within a week. In this article I plan to share all the very basic knowledge that you must know about web hosting. If you are a complete web hosting beginner, this article is an absolute must for you. Read on.
Web hosting:
In very simple terms getting your website on the internet is called web hosting. Every website that you have ever seen, or will ever see is actually stored on a computer somewhere in the world. When you type the address of that website in your browsers address bar, the website is fetched from that computer to yours. Just like that, your website will be placed on a computer somewhere too. That is known as web hosting.
Web host:
The company/person who is the owner of the computer where you want your website to be stored or...