If you had to take a final exam to determine how well you will succeed with your Virtual Assistant business, your online business presence would probably account for eighty percent of your grade.
It’s your first impression and we all know how important they are. It’s not just the first thing that most people will experience when they come to check you out; it has to take your place in a virtual way. Your website should reach out to shake their hand and make them feel comfortable about initiating a new business relationship with you.
Do you get a majority of your new clients through word of mouth recommendations and think that your website isn’t that important? Look at it from a new perspective. When a current client recommends you to a business associate they arrive at your site to see things looking disheveled and out of date. How would that reflect on your valued clients? You are a representation of their business excellence.
Give your website a clean, contemporary business design and avoid doing anything cutesy. Cute doesn’t inspire confidence and above all else you want your potential visitors to feel confident about their...