Congratulations! Youre living out on your own. If youre renting an apartment or bought a home of your own, there are going to be little things you need tools for. Whether its removing part of a light fixture to replace the lightbulb, or hanging your favorite pictures on the wall, a basic toolbox can come in handy. Here are the top eight tools that will be the most helpful.
1. A flashlight. This is crucial, even if you dont buy anything else on the list. If the power goes out, or you cant find the exact lid for your Tupperware container in the back of the cabinet, shedding some light makes life a lot easier.
2. A screwdriver. For maximum efficiency, and especially if you are going to be doing just little jobs, there are screwdrivers available now that have removable tips so you can buy just one tool for all screws and swap out the tips depending on what you need.
3. A tape measure. Ask anyone who has ever rented an apartment and then couldnt fit the couch in any of the rooms, having a tape measure is a good thing to have. It will help you place furniture, decide how big an area rug to buy, or know how long a cable you will need for your TV.