Homeschooling takes on many forms. There are homeschoolers that use an eclectic style, those that unschool, those that use prepackaged curriculums and still others that rely on distance education to supplement hands-on instruction. Homeschooling has come a long way in the past couple of decades and new homeschoolers are bombarded with educational options. The newness of online classes and the learning curve many homeschooling parents have to go through in the beginning, can make online classes an overlooked resource. Online classes benefit homeschoolers in different ways based on how their homeschool is run.
When students get older, some subjects become too complicated for parents to teach. On the other hand, some students require help beyond what a parent can provide. This is where online classes can benefit both parents and students who home educate. Both schools and organizations provide opportunities to take classes online. Students can continue their traditional from of homeschooling but supplement with online classes for certain subjects. Some subjects that homeschoolers can consider for an online class are geometry, physics, algebra and government. Students can...