Probably the most important step to making money online is the desire to do it. The internet, contrary to so many of the headlines we see, is not a get rich quick scheme. Strong internet incomes are achieved the same way brick and mortar incomes are achievedvia hard work, long hours, and dedication to making money online. To make money online, you must be willing to work hard, often long hours, study the latest material on marketing and traffic generation, and be willing to stick with it before you start making the big money online.
-> In order to make money online, you must develop a basic understanding of why people buy. The psychological motivations of internet purchases are much the same as offline purchases. People buy things online because they feel the purchase will make them feel younger, sexier, happier, or because it will make them rich or well-liked.
-> You must find or develop a product that is well-suited to making money online—it must primarily meet the emotional needs of people online—making them feel younger, sexier, happier, rich, or well-liked.
-> To make money online, you must learn everything you can about marketing,...