What happens when you order a domain name, secure a great value web hosting account to showcase your products and ask your web designer to set up your web site? Do you know how to manage your web hosting account and your email set up? Do you have access to edit your own web site or shopping cart? You dont?! Really?? You can not be serious.
Like many other people on the internet, you left all the details to your web site with your web developer. Youve paid your dues, though the invoice came through promptly and you paid it bang on the nail! Its about time you looked at this another way!
When you buy a retail shop or rent commercial space for your bricks and mortar store, you always make sure you have the keys, know how to operate the burglar alarm, understand how to get your post delivered to the premises and install all the necessary phone lines, telephones and faxes and pcs to be able to communicate effectively with your customers. Your insurance company would throw a fit if they you asked them to insure a premises where you didnt have control of the security and access. Even if you only visit once or twice a year, leaving the property in the hands...