Proof Evident is a newly released crime fiction novel by lawyer and controversial psychologist, John Dicke. The story line is based around a criminal case for Judge Avery Jackson who coldly murdered Sheriff Hardacre during his speech to 150 city officials. The problem is, Mr. Jackson has no memory of the event at all
Jack Maine leaves the public service and starts up a private practice with the assistance of his talented wife while taking on this difficult and seemingly doomed case. His dedicated and patient staff includes a master investigator and a phenomenal young novice lawyer both of whom are fully aware they may not see a paycheck for some time. Jacks nemesis is the quick-witted and well-financed defense team led by an ambitious attorney that is set on becoming “seen”. Death follows this case everywhere. Just when the lawyers feel they are getting somewhere – people start dropping like flies. Soon a CIA scandal is discovered that threatens national security, which powerful people are desperate to cover-up; meanwhile a drug ring threatens to take control of every aspect of the community.
John Dicke addresses the issue of pleading Not...