The Chaos Cycle by John Kerchack is destined for the best sellers list! I couldnt put it down and was quite frustrated when my life kept interrupting my reading sessions during the review process of this book. Honestly, my husband would talk to me and I wouldnt even know it. He even made and served supper and I was scarcely aware of what had happened. I heard some banging of a pot lid being taken out of a drawer and then all of a sudden there was this steaming plate of food in front of me and the amused face of my husband beaming back at me.
The author uses excellent writer skills that provide a steady flow of suspense. His characters are full, realistic you really feel like you are right there. Not like watching a movie, but rather, right THERE. This is a rare talent indeed, and as a writer myself I can only envy it. John has incredible insight into the thought process of his characters – from those of the small abused children to the brutal killer.
Here we are taken on a chaotic ride while Harris and his team of talented detectives track down those responsible for a relentless murder spree in the state of Maryland, USA. I would classify The Chaos Cycle...