Electronics are a big part of our every day lives. Even if we do not realize it, just about everywhere we go, and everything we do electronics in some form shape the way we do it. For example, when you are traveling to and from work, the vehicle you are in is made up of various forms of electronics. The music you listen to, obviously you have to listen to it on a Radio, Cassette Player, CD player, or Computer. The way the music you listen to is made, all with electronics. In this day and age of technology, our lives is driven greatly by electronic means.
Typically, we do not even stop to think about how much of a role these things play in our lives. When we use that cordless phone to call up our friends, when we log onto the computer to check our email, and when we watch our favorite shows on the television, these are all electronics. It is amazing is it not, when you actually stop to consider all the things we use on a daily basis? Of course, if the power goes out and there are no battery backups, we take major note of these items that seem to make living our lives a whole lot easier.
Electronics have evolved since conception from the tape player to the CD...