If you really want to be successful, you probably spend a lot of time reading motivational books and articles. You want to know what qualities are required for success.
When we read about the tools required to achieve success, very often we are told that if we really want to be successful, we must have persistence.
Persistence is the quality of never giving up when we encounter challenges. Of holding on to our dream. Of refusing to be discouraged no matter what the odds, no matter what happens.
And when you read the life stories of very successful people, they will often tell you about all the hardships they encountered along the way. They will tell you about the discouragement they occasionally felt when they encountered failure, and about all the people who laughed at them along the way.
And then they will often tell you that the reason they are successful today is because they were persistent. They perservered in chasing their dream, no matter what happened.
So if you have been facing a bit of discouragement while you pursue your dream, reading these success gurus can give you the boost you need to keep on doing what youve been...