If you want to enjoy your life out of spending, enjoy if you have you have your own resources and money.
But don’t enjoy your life by becoming a debtor to somebody.
Of course in the modern world, there are many ways and means, which force you to become a debtor.
Attractive advertisements in the satellite TV force you to become a debtor. It tempts you to buy the modern amenities at any cost.
Even though if you don’t have any money or resources it show you many resources for obtaining credit to buy that product. But you must think thousand times before becoming a debtor.
In today’s world credit is the easily available commodity. Numerous companies are waiting to pull you in their trap. They are competing severely to pull you in their trap.
But you must be careful to entangle in that trap.
In spite of this caution if you are prepared to enjoy, then you won’t get any pleasure, but you will lose your peace of mind.
Let us discuss about the common desire of everybody. It is natural that every body wants to have their own house. It is a reasonable desire.
But the desire can be attained if you have...