Take Back Your Personal Power, Stop Being Blamed and Start Creating An Incredible Life!
Have you ever had a person in your life who literally thrived on playing the blame game? You know the ones that are constantly belly aching that its your fault? Then you actually believe them, so you play the game of fixing all of their problems! You become the rescuer? I did! I didnt realize it at the time of course because that is a life lesson that I was working on mastering and boy did we play a good game together! We danced in victim consciousness together creating disaster after disaster for ten years! He created, I rescued! He created, I rescued! Then one day he got himself in another situation (and of course this was all my fault!) I was so sick and tired of continually putting forth all my energy into fixing his problems that I threw in the towel. I quit. Thats the day the light bulb came on! I realized that I was not allowing him to take responsibility for his own life. I was doing him the worst service possible. I was dis-empowering him! I was taking his power away by fixing all his problems not to mention dis-empowering myself! Thats the day I gladly, and I mean gladly,...