What are the best times in your life when its sensible to clean house and get rid of stuff you dont use? Take advantage of these opportunities to clean out your home and downsize your belongings.
When you move from one house to another is the best time to get rid of things you no longer need. Why move stuff you havent used from one place to another where you wont use it either? Think kitchen gadgets and closets as your best place to start.
Do you have a wok but cant remember the last time you cooked anything stir-fried? If you rarely entertain, do you really need all those wine glasses and extra sets of dishes? How many plastic containers are in the cupboard and how many do you really use on a weekly basis? Get rid of the sizes you never use. Spend a little time to consider how much of your stuff you really use and make up your mind to let go of what is just taking up space.
Of course, when I say here to get rid of something, I mean donate it- dont throw it away unless it doesnt work or its broken. There are plenty of charitable organizations happy to have your stuff as long as its usable.
Look at your linen closet- how many of those sets of...