Are you new to investing? Do you wish you knew something about a way to invest your money for a more secure future but think you just cant understand all the ins and outs of the Stock Market? Well, although many people think the stock market is way too confusing and complicated, the stock market is easy to understand.
Yes, there are subtleties involved that can only be enhanced through experience, but that is true with most things; that does not mean, however, that you should be too intimidated to look into the stock market as a way to increase your wealth. There has truly been no other comparable vehicle to long-term growth of wealth than the stock market, and even though there is a lot of terminology to learn and lots of different economic conditions can affect the market (and vice versa), the basic premise behind the stock market is easy to understand.
This is how it works, in a very simple nutshell; for purposes of explanation, lets use an example. Lets say you and your wife both come from a family of shoemakers from Germany. You can repair shoes as well as produce a really decent pair of shoes. So, you open a shoe repair shop together. You make a decent...