If you desire to become better, or successful at something, this article will provide you the foundation to get started. Chances are, no matter what your current income, relationship, or job situation is, you wouldnt mind being more successful. Of course, the term success is unique to you. You must first define success and then determine what you want to be successful at.
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to success is more important than any other one thing. -Abraham Lincoln
The first step to becoming successful is to emulate the ones whove already done it. You know the saying: dont recreate the wheel
#1 Get a Mentor All successful people have credited at least one influential person or mentor in their life. Mentors not only provide support but also challenge your thoughts and actions. Not to prove whos right or wrong, but to open your horizons, offer other options, challenge pre-conceived ideas, and truly help you discover who you are. A mentor will never accept the phrase: I dont know, its just always been that way! because a mentor believes you control your future.
#2 Be Healthy Live Breathe Think Eat: Health. We all know healthy...