Ever think the world is out to make you fail? Do you think that If you didn’t have bad luck you wouldn’t have any luck at all ?
You make your own luck and your own failures and successes.
Are you one of the positive ones who think Everything happens for a reason! ?
Good for you! You are correct! Well, sort of…
Everything DOES happen for a reason, but not in the way many people think. Everything in your life happens because you made it happen.
Car break down ? Yeah, that was you!
Can’t find the right partner? Yeah that was you too!
Your life. Your events. You made it happen.
How can this be ?
Its all because of the laws of the Universe! Time, space, quantum physics, vibrations and energy. Its all around you every moment of every day reading you and transforming your life.
Sound too New Age for you ? Its all real science and real life.
Your world is built on one main law. The law of attraction. The law of attraction means that energy attracts like energy, vibrations attract like vibrations. This means that what you feel is what you get out of life. Having a bad day and...