Lying is common to people. Fear from a reprimand is the usual reason why people lie. But this cannot be referred to as compulsive lying. If a person lies because of a constant perceived punishment, it becomes compulsive lying. Lying with the belief that it is the truth despite being confronted with the truth is what normally characterizes compulsive lying.
Reasons why people lie on impulse are usually due to habitual lying. Some may lie because they see that other people do it and still get away from it. Lying becomes a normal thing to do that it comes out impulsively in some instance. While some believe that lying would help them get what they want. When lying becomes a habit, it is now referred to as compulsive lying.
Although it is a fact that children lie, compulsive lying, though, must be concerned about. This ultimately results in suspicious and doubtful parents while children become more uncontrollable and dishonest. Once compulsive lying and mistrust starts, stopping it would be near impossible.
It should also be considered that lying may be a sign of a graver problem. Compulsive lying is prevalent among children who have problems with social...