Last week I noticed my brother trying to teach my three year old niece to say “I” – “I would like an apple…, I would like some grapes…” But she insisted that it should be said, “Vaishali wants an apple, Vaishali wants some grapes…!” Have you ever tried arguing with a three year old?
And what is more, she was right. Because right now at the age of three, she has not started to create her identity.
When you are born, you are whole, complete and perfect. Then what happens? The illusions of life begin to shroud your vision of reality as you begin to create your own map of the world. In fact, the creation of the identity occurs because of the basic principle that we are “meaning making machines.” Something happens in our life and we pass the information about the situation through the filters of deletion, distortion and generalization before the information is then represented to our conscious and unconscious mind. So we have added a meaning or further interpretation to what happened, without asking if this is a true representation of the situation.
Between the Ages of 1 to 5 A situation...