When the skin just becomes too itchy, too rash-like, or starts to have sores that weep, it may be more than just dry skin. Eczema is a term used to describe a wide variety of skin conditions that consist of dry skin, cracking, bleeding, itch, and oozing sores. One must determine what kind of eczema one is experiencing, and then they are better able to address it and begin to heal.
One type of eczema is atopic eczema. Its common in infants, which is why this form is sometimes called infantile eczema. Its believed to be hereditary, especially if members of the same family suffer from hay fever or asthma. Atopic eczema can present itself on the face, scalp, neck, inside of elbows, behind the knees, and on the buttocks.
One way to determine the severity of the eczema is by process of elimination. Many physicians believe that infant eczema manifests itself due to external irritants or diet. By eliminating dairy (in most cases), infant skin tends to clear up or develops fewer breakouts. A certain type of laundry detergent may also trigger rashes and eczema in infants, which is why its important to use gentle detergent, and use natural materials that are friendly to...