Finding Inner Peace

| Total Words: 775

Its becoming one of the biggest trends of the 21st century to seek out Enlightenment and inner peace. People are buying up books everywhere and running from teacher to teacher to try and find the inner peace they so desperately crave. Who really has inner peace and how did they find it? We all can get to feeling a bit lost when it comes to uncovering the Truth.

One surefire method for determining if you are on the right path is to simply ask yourself Am I more at peace than I was a year ago or six months ago? If you feel that you are finding more peacefulness as you progress on your path, then you know it must be working. If you arent sure or you think that maybe it isnt working then maybe you need to sit still a little more each day. Sitting still each day and closing your eyes as you sit can be a great way to calm your mind and emotions so that peacefulness eventually becomes more normal for you. Inner peace only comes from one place and thats the inner part of you! If you find that you arent feeling peaceful, its time to look deeper within yourself.

Most of the time, when people decide to start a daily meditation, they discover that their thoughts and emotions...

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