Attention deficit disorder (ADD) wasn’t recognized until about twenty years ago. Before that time, children who didn’t sit still in their desk chairs, who seemingly daydreamed all the time, and couldn’t meet homework assignments were considered “bad” kids, whose parents had failed to give them sufficient discipline. The only option was to spank or punish them on a daily basis. We still don’t know what repercussions that type of parenting had on kids who just couldn’t do any better.
Today, we know the symptoms of ADD and ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), which include those issues mentioned above, though there are still some doctors and many lay persons who still believe that ADD is caused by bad parenting. Science has proven otherwise. ADD stems from a neurological difference in the brain, and to be diagnosed ADD, its symptoms must have been present for six months or more and be severe enough to have disrupted the person’s life. No scientific test can positively test the condition, though the similarities in those known to have ADD are overwhelming.
It has only recently been determined that ADD is...