Have you ever listened to someone else speaking about themselves and had one of those ‘If they can do that, so can I’ thoughts?
I often hear people say, ‘I wish I could do so-and-so.’ And for me this kind of statement is like the red rag and the bull.
With all the ‘stuff’ that challenged me in the past (divorce, abuse, finances, self-esteem and lack of confidence) I know better than most that you can have nothing and create a worthwhile, dreamy and very holistic lifestyle.
In fact, I’d go as far to say my life has become a bit of an experiment – and a personal quest – to see how much I can overcome, grow, enjoy and share what I’ve learned so others can benefit.
When I hear people make ‘I wish’ statements, My usual response is now a kind of: ‘Then why don’t you?’ reply.
But what am I doing when I ask this question?
Echart Tolle says, ‘When pain is put close to radiant consciousness it is transformed like wood on a fire.’
In other words, when someone is struggling to get their dream out – when it’s choking and trying to...