When looking to ease the burdens of interest you are currently paying, you may want to consider refinancing your home. However, you must also recognize and be aware of all the costs associated with refinancing. When you are looking to refinance your home, you should think of it as starting from square one. This simply means that refinancing costs will be very similar to those of the original loan. All inspections, appraisals and loan applications will still need to take place.
There are a variety of things that will determine the overall refinancing cost. First, take into consideration:
The amount of time you have lived in your home: This will be essential when lenders look into your past payment record, as well as your ability to stay current with your payments. Some lenders will place guidelines on how long you must live in the home before you can refinance.
The current balance on your mortgage: Generally speaking, the more you owe on your current loan, the higher your refinance costs will be. This is because of penalties, fees and interest amounts
Your home’s current market value: When determining your refinancing costs, this is a key...