The atmosphere surrounding the earth is still a matter of special interest for scientific research. Some physicists have discovered and suggest that we are living within a field of energy that surrounds and envelops the earth, like an invisible halo. Through this are shot electrical charges. It appears that not only does this energy charge the batteries of our mind, body and soul it also helps us to be successful. Einstein stated that to the physicist this field is as real as the chair you are sitting on.
Man has suddenly re-awakened to the fact that he is part of a vast cosmos, and that we are not just a speck of dust on a chunk of matter, revolving around the sun. With this new dawn and with cosmic realization our questioning mind will find answers to some of mans most demanding questions. One of the most persistent conceptions in the history of human thinking has been the idea that there is a definable relationship between the individual and there destiny. This is a very old idea and it crops up in the records of every known civilization and culture.
At the end of World War 2 a wave of discontent, particularly affecting the young, swept over the world. It was...