Getting through the teenage years is often one of the hardest parts of a persons entire life. This is a time when emotions run high and changes are taking place at an astronomical rate. Oftentimes, a person doesnt have the time to catch up with what is happening to them and a lot of big mistakes are likely to happen.
The early years of high school and college are also a time where things may not always be as they seem to be on the surface. Those who are largely successful in high school often find that college is a completely different world and the qualities that seemed so important in their earlier years are no longer admired or sought after in the later years. These transitions can be hard for many people and being able to foresee the things that will truly be important when you get older is not always the easiest thing for many people. Even those who can see the future quite clearly will oftentimes be intimidated by their younger peers to get off course and to pursue a less beneficial route over the long term. Later on, we see them suffering for their mistakes but there is little that can be done since life is mainly a training ground for the wise.
When you...