The Most Powerful Source Of Information – Spirituality Information
” You are sweet but very stubborn” my close friend told me ten years back. I was not ready to accept the fact that i was stubborn. Over the years many other people pointed that out to me. They told me “Vish, you say the right things but you hurt people. You have to change your attitude…” I experimented with various ways of changing my attitude but all of them failed. It seemed as if stubbornness was deep rooted in me….After a while i stopped thinking about it as It did not bother me as much as it hurted others … However, one day I read something which completely revolutionized my thought process…
I don’t recall the name of the book I read but these were the first few lines written inside the book which I had noted down:
“The first piece of paper as we know it was produced from rags in AD 105 by Ts’ai Luin, who was part of the Eastern Han Court of the Chinese Emperor Ho Ti. Paper is made from cellulose fibre, the source of which can be pulped wood, or a variety of other materials such as rags, cotton, grasses, sugar...