Hello, my name is Richard MacKenzie. I am a Hypnotherapist and author, and a practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming and Emotional Freedom Technique. In this article, I shall cover my thoughts and findings on Emotional Freedom Technique from over the years that I have been a practitioner of the process.
Many Emotional Freedom Technique practitioners (including the creator of EFT, Gary Craig) believe that this process deals with meridian energy lines that run around the body. They believe that blockages within these invisible meridian energy lines could be the cause of certain emotional disturbances, which can range from things like phobias to depression.
Emotional Freedom Technique is a process of tapping on these points where the blockages can occur and clearing any blockages that you may have. The process also calls on you to hum a tune, count out aloud and move your eyes around in certain directions all while thinking of the thing that is causing your emotional disturbance.
Before we get onto my thoughts and observations of Emotional Freedom Technique, I really do want to stress that I dont and never have doubted the amazing effectiveness of...