Why does change, at times, seem so difficult? Why cant we just make up our minds to change patterns of behaviors, thoughts, and emotions and have it happen that quickly? The Holy Grail of change work, whether it be self-help, or through utilizing a coach or therapist, is the instant quick fix change can rectify years of habitual behavior patterns in a few short moments. Oh, and while were at it lets make those moments comfortable and relaxing.
Let us look for a moment at a possible reason why change doesnt always occur that easily (in fact rarely) and why hypnosis might be a possible candidate for that Grail.
Your entire magnificent body/mind system sails through life performing an astronomical number of simultaneous tasks. Barring emergencies, your heart never stops beating, your lungs never stop operating, you metabolize the food you eat, and maintain a body temperature of 98.6 regardless of your environment. And, that is just a tip of the physiological iceberg of ongoing vital functions. Yet you only become aware of these processes if there is a problem. Otherwise they thankfully require no attention. These processes are part of your vast...