Recently in India, a news appeared. The news was not shocking but must be given a second thought. A sex worker had not told her daughter about her profession and saved enough money to send her daughter for higher education to Australia. After daughter came to know the source of mother’s income, the report says that the mother and daughter have come closer.
This story has great human touch of a sacrificing mother saving for her daughter to keep her daughter away from the profession she was involved in. Ok till now. What about the daughter? Should she agree to go abroad and study and let her mother continue in the profession she so hates? Should she use the money from the profession so hated by the mother that the mother has decided to keep her daughter away from it any cost? Should the daughter not persuade the mother to donate all the collected money, begin earning honorably and keep her mother away from a profession her mother feels is dishonorable?
Will the daughter come back from Australia and begin earning well, and then ask her mother to stop? Will she study happily till then all the time realizing what her mother is doing? What value for such education...