Imagine what would happen if you approached someone and insulted them.
I hate you! You’re ugly! No one likes you! You’re a really miserable person!
Well, apart from receiving a slap on the face or punch on the nose, you’re also quite likely to hurt their feelings.
What about saying something positive? Perhaps something like this:
You are so beautiful. You’re a really great person and a wonderful friend.
Would you agree that this statement should produce a very different result? It will empower the recipient. It builds their self-esteem and feeling of self-worth.
Let’s change the scenario slightly. In this case consider how you would feel if someone else approached you with the negative statement. Would you likely be hurt? I imagine so. Now consider your feelings if someone approached you with the positive statement. How wonderful would that feel?
Words are incredibly powerful! There is no truth at all to the old saying, Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me. Negative words cut deeply, creating wounds that can last a lifetime. Positive words on the other hand have the...