Very good question! There are actually times when you should consider not dating anyone! Why, you may be wondering cant I date someone whenever I want to? Well, there are various times in a persons life that involving someone in your own personal issues or problems is not a good idea. In fact, this may create problems for the person you are trying to date. You may be wondering what instances would you not want to consider dating someone, these tips will assist you in deciding whether or not you should:
1) Youre married! Absolutely out of the question for you to decide that you want to date. Married means youre committed to someone else and you should be off limits to freely date. Remember youre not single anymore! So, dont even think about dating. This would be totally unfair to the person you may consider dating.
2) Just recently divorced. You may want to consider holding off on dating until you get readjusted to single life and your new status of now being unmarried and on your own. Once you give yourself enough time to readjust, preferably at least one year, then go for it! Start dating if you want to.
3) Lost your job and place to live because of...